Thursday, May 15, 2008

Into the blue

When all my church friends change their facebook status to "[their name here] is praying," I know something is up. Somehow I'm always out of the loop, and end up having to ask the embarassing question, "what's everyone praying about?"

This time, the news was stunning- it's the kind of news you hear and there are no words to explain the spinning thoughts and emotions. No matter how many times I read the txt in my inbox, the word "died" just didn't seem to register. Paul Tucker was so alive, how could he just... die?

It frightens me to come face to face with the fact that nobody is guarenteed that they will wake up in the morning. In this mindset, it really strikes me how stupid it is to ask "what's everyone praying about-" with death looming large, prayer should be a central part of our lives, every day, not just when something devastating happens. Because if we're dead, nothing matters besides our relationship with God. We should "pray without ceasing" [1 Thess. 5:17]. This is just like what Dan the Intern said in his message two Sundays ago. The stuff of current life is all really really stupid compared to eternity.

Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12:13-14- "Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless... Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."

Are you ready?


Brannon said...

I was going to call you because it felt weird texting you news like that, but I was talking to Caitlin on the phone when you texted me. She offered to let me call you, but as much as I didn't want to text you the news, I really didn't want to have to speak it. Pretty much the first words I heard this morning when I woke up were "Paul Tucker died." It seemed so unreal to me too. Even now when I say it, it just doesn't sound right.

Allison said...

It's alright, I definitely understand. and it's still so unreal to me to, I think Sunday is going to be a rough day for everyone at Northside.

Princess Elwen said...

Cousin! How terrible...:-(
I heard so much about the great
"Greeter Paul"-you even had a Greeter Paul Mii.
I was apalled to hear the news and I'm sorry for your entire church's shocking loss. I hope you can make the best out of future Sunday mornings without this short-lived character.

lizziiii [: [lEt'S GEt SASSY !] said...

hi (:

it's lizzi, brandon's friend.